4 Ways to Become a Better Driver

Maybe your insurance rates are going through the roof because you keep getting into fender-benders. Maybe you have a spotless driving record, but you know that there’s always room for improvement. Whatever your reasons for wanting to be a better driver, here are just four ways to get it done.

1. Know the Rules of the Road

Has it been awhile since you obtained your driver’s license? You might need a refresher on certain things, especially if you’ve been getting into accidents. The good news is that there are plenty of resources available online. You can find entire pamphlets and coursebooks just like you’re a teenager about to take your first driving test.

2. Clear Your Driving Record

It can be hard to motivate yourself when you’re still dragging the past around your neck. Talk to a lawyer about clearing up your driving record. Not only will you feel better when all of those Fairfax County traffic violations have been wiped clean, but you might even qualify for a better auto insurance rate.

3. Upgrade Your Vehicle

This is easier said than done, of course, but if you have the extra cash, you can drastically improve your driving by installing special features in your vehicle. For example, you can mount rear view cameras that allow you to see from every angle as you pull out of a parking lot, so you’ll never again have to worry about hitting something in your blind spot.

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4. Practice

At the end of the day, there’s no substitute for good old-fashioned practice. Get behind the wheel and put your new driving skills to the test. You might even ask a friend to come along and give you an objective assessment of your performance. Did you always use your blinker? Did you trail an appropriate distance behind other cars? Did you follow the speed limit?

These are just a few tips for making yourself a better driver. It might not be easy, but you could quite literally save your own life by preventing a future accident with improved driving skills. Isn’t that worth the effort?