5 Tips for an Amicable Divorce

There are countless reasons for extending a failed marriage and extending the inevitable. But many people opt to postpone a divorce due to potential confrontational issues. Michigan is a no-fault divorce state which means either partner can file for the divorce by citing a broken marriage and fault doesn’t need to be assigned. However, that doesn’t mean the divorce will still be completely amicable. Amicable separations and divorces have been considered almost mythical by many people, but they’re quite real and can make a tough situation much easier for everyone involved. An amicable divorce is almost always uncontested, so both partners agree to mutually beneficial terms regarding property division, support, and child custody. An amicable Michigan divorce may seem difficult at first, but it’s certainly not impossible. Here are some tips to help you achieve one.

Get Your Own Emotions in Check

Legal separation is not required prior to a Michigan divorce, so couples may opt to stay in the same household until the divorce is final. While this may be financially beneficial, it can also play havoc with the emotions. Don’t let that happen. To achieve a truly amicable divorce, you need to have control of your own emotions. So get counseling for yourself, talk to your support system, and even change shifts at work if necessary to avoid emotional explosions at home… at least until you rein in your own.

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Don’t Play the Blame Game

Once your emotions are in check and you can focus on the divorce, opt for a positive outlook towards the future. That doesn’t mean to wipe your entire past away. Hurt feelings and some form of resentment are likely to linger. But don’t play the blame game going into the divorce proceedings. Compatibility issues, interest changes, and far worse may have occurred to cause a marital drift. But if you’re really ready to part ways, you need to accept that the time for blame is over and the time for rediscovering self-happiness is on the horizon.

Stay Focused on the Big Picture

A million insignificant details can lead to a lengthy, stressful, and expensive divorce. In fact, according to Forbes, the average contested divorce can cost over $20,000. If you’re looking to drag out your divorce for years due to grudges or Aunt Mary’s chipped gravy boat, by all means, fight over everything. But if you want to reduce time, legal expenses, and stress, let the little things go, negotiate the terms of your divorce with an optimistic attitude, and focus on the big picture.

Prioritize Parenthood and the Needs of the Kids

Working together and prioritizing your kids’ needs can help everyone benefit from your Michigan divorce. Co-parenting isn’t always possible, but be open to suggestions and mediation if necessary. Work together, not against one another to maintain a healthy parenting relationship with your kids and ensure you’re both as active as possible in their lives after the divorce.

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Maintain Dignity and Respect Outside of the Courtroom

Midwest states have among some of the lowest divorce rates nationwide in large part because of their reputation for traditional moral values. Chances are you and your spouse decent people who made some big marital mistakes together. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be adults and let things go. Your Michigan divorce attorney is there to guide you in the right direction and ensure all the legalities are in order. But you’ll have a smoother sailing ship if you work some things out together on your own. Try to avoid confrontation and hostility by simply discussing the terms of the settlement calmly and rationally. And if things start to get heated, take a break and try again later. It’s worth the effort.