The Coping Stages after A Traumatic Injury

Each person who goes through a traumatic injury will deal with the situation in their own way. However, there are some basic stages that people go through after a traumatic injury has occurred.

The first stage is usually denial. This can be an extremely turbulent time. A person may experience confusion, agitation, and a variety of emotions that go up and down. It is not unusual for a person to act in a way that is very unusual for them. For example, a person who is normally quiet and shy may become quite aggressive and outspoken.

The next stage is usually anger. If a person experienced a brain injury, the anger may be very intense. This anger stage also brings with it blame. A person may blame themselves for the accident or may blame others. During this stage, it is very important for a person to work with personal injury or disability lawyers in San Antonio TX. This will help them to make sure that the blame is going on the right party, especially if there is a lawsuit involved.

The next stage is bargaining. At this stage, a person may start accepting more of what has happened to them. They may be trying to deal with their grief and the grief that others may have because of the situation. They are looking for ways to stay positive and return to their former life as much as possible.

Many go through depression as their anger and as their failed attempts at bargaining start to turn inward. It is not uncommon for people to just wonder what the point of trying is anymore. It is extremely important to lean on others and even to get professional help during this time.

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Acceptance is usually the last stage that a person will go through after dealing with a traumatic injury. It is usually when a person reaches this point that they are able to start moving forward in their life. Of course, they do not necessarily like the way the injury has changed their life, but they can start dealing with it in a much more positive way.

Going through a traumatic situation is extremely difficult. If it leads to an injury that changes a person’s life forever, it can be even more hard to deal with. These five stages are common. While they are hard to go through, they do indicate that a person is moving on and trying to get back some of their old life.