Criminal Defense Attorneys: Protect Your Future Against DUI Charges

Criminal Defense Attorneys: Protect Your Future Against DUI Charges

Drinking and driving is dangerous, and the penalties of a DUI arrest are extremely harsh in the state of Florida; Florida is serious about preventing injury and death from alcohol and DUI related car crashes. DUI will remain on your license for 75 years. Criminal defense attorneys in Tampa provide representation for individuals charged with misdemeanor, felony, theft, fraud, reckless driving, DUI, domestic violence, and other charges.

A DUI conviction can mean facing the loss of a driver’s license, fines and fees, high insurance premiums, and possibly jail time. Criminal defense attorneys in Tampa can work with you to determine a defense strategy to help you keep your license, avoid jail time, and possibly reduce fees.

The following information is critical for Florida residents who have been convicted of a DUI: courts must impose the following minimum mandatory punishments if you enter a plea of “guilty” or “no contest” to a first DUI in Tampa, FL.

Jail Time: Offenders face incarceration (jail time) of up to 6 months-if a minor was in the vehicle or if their blood alcohol reading is.15 or higher, jail time is up to 9 months.

Probation: First DUI offenders face a probation period of up to 12 months. (However, the total period of incarceration and probation may not exceed 12 months total).

Community Service Hours: A minimum of 50 hours of community service is required, however the judge may allow you to “buy out” however many hours you choose at a rate of $10 per hour.

Fines: Offenders face a minimum fine of $500 but up to $1,000 in the event their blood alcohol reading is.15 or higher or if a minor was in the vehicle. The minimum fine in those circumstances is $1,000-$2,000. In the event an individual cannot pay the fines, they can perform community service for $10 per hour.


Drivers License Revocation: Offenders face at least 6 months of license suspension with a maximum suspension time of up to 12 months.

Under Florida law, 2nd DUI conviction consequences depend on whether the conviction is within 5 years or outside of 5 years of the previous DUI conviction. Should the DUI arrest occur outside of 5 yearsA�ofA�a first conviction, the DUI is considered and treated the same as a first DUI as far as mandatory penalties are required, except that maximum jail time can be 9 months, fines are between $1,000 – $2,000 and ignition interlock must be installed for a year. No minimum jail time is required.

Should the Second DUI occur within 5 years of the prior DUI conviction the following penalties apply:

Jail Time: A minimum of 10 days in jail with 48 hours of consecutive jail time. Maximum time of incarceration is 9 months unless breath test reading was.15 or above, or if a minor was present-in those instances, maximum time is 12 months.

Probation: 2nd time DUI offenders face a probation period of up to 12 months.

Community Service Hours: A minimum of 50 hours of community service is required, however the judge may allow you to “buy out” however many hours you choose at a rate of $10 per hour.

Fines: Offenders face a minimum fine of $1,000 (maximum $2,000) but between $2,000 – $4,000 in the event their blood alcohol reading is.15 or higher or if a minor was in the vehicle.

Should you have further questions, contact a criminal defense law firm with the experience, the proven track record, and the confidence necessary to counter your DUI charge with a well-planned and aggressive defense. Your criminal defense attorney in Tampa should specialize in all the ins and outs of the Florida criminal justice system and fight to ensure you have achieve the best results possible.

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