Get the Lawyer You Need to Defend Your Rights as a Divorced Father

If you are thinking of getting a divorce, there are a number of very important things to keep in mind. As a father, you have certain rights that no one can force you to give up. This includes the right to see your child on a regular basis. What you need is a lawyer who can work with you to ensure that you come to a fair custody agreement that will enable you to see your children on a regular basis. This is your right as a father, but it’s one that you may need to fight hard in court to be able to assert.

The Process of Divorce Can Be a Hard Fought Battle

The process of getting divorced is never an easy one. There are plenty of issues that will need to be resolved. If you have tried every other means of reconciling before coming to this decision, there may well be no love lost between the two of you. As a result, the divorce process may be long, tedious, and draining. If you are also fighting to retain sole or partial custody of a child, the divorce process can be even more acrimonious.

What Can an Expert Divorce and Child Custody Lawyer Do for You?

This is why you need the expert aid and counsel of a divorce and child custody lawyer. You can retain the services of a professional law firm such as Cordell and Cordell. As the father of the children involved in the settlement, you have rights that need to be recognized. Your divorce lawyer can help you make sure that you receive a fair hearing in court.

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If your spouse is issuing slanderous statements or attempting to produce evidence that causes the judge to be prejudiced against you, your lawyer can put a stop to this. They can use all of their legal expertise to correct any false or misleading statements that may have been issued by your former spouse or their legal counsel. They can also produce all the evidence you need to support your side of the story.

The Time to Secure Custody Rights to Your Children is Now

If your spouse is planning on getting remarried as soon as the divorce is final, they may try to win full custody of any children that you have fathered. They may also plan to move out of town, out of state, or even to another country. If this is the case, they will very likely desire to take the children with them. If you allow this to happen, you will lose the ability to see them on a regular basis through a default loss of custody rights. This is something your lawyer can help you fight against.

Contact an Expert Divorce Lawyer to Defend Your Rights

The best move you can make under the circumstances is to retain the services of a reputable and professional divorce and custody lawyer. You can do a quick Google search for “Cordell Cordell” in order to learn more about what an expert in this field can do for you. If you are a father who is concerned about retaining custody rights to your children, now is the time to make this important call.

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