Important Facts To Know About Violence and Its Types

Abuse and violence come in numerous forms. It doesn’t matter if you have a problem with cyber violence in Africa, or domestic violence in Houston, because it is a form of sexual, physical, economic, emotional, dating-related, psychological, focused abuse that could cause physical and mental harm to a victim.

We have compiled a list of the most critical types of violence that happens all around us:

  1. Domestic Violence

By definition, domestic violence is a form of behavior that manipulate, intimidate, isolate, humiliate, terrorize, frighten, threaten, coerce, injure, blame or hurt someone in sexual, physical, psychological and economic threats or actions. It happens mostly in families, which is why we call it domestic. The main idea is to create a situation where one person will have power and control over another.

It includes:

  • Physical abuse – Everything that has a form of physical violence such as biting, pinching, shoving, hitting, pulling and many more. The idea is to use physical force and power to intimidate the partner you’re living with. The leading cause could be substance or alcohol abuse, as well as the partner’s violent personality.
  • Sexual abuse – If one partner tries to contact another partner without prior consent sexually, it is a form of sexual violence that usually happens in most families. It is a thin line between sexual abuse and rape, because rape represents sexual encounter, while sexual abuse could mean doing physical harm to original parts of the body, passive aggression due to sexual disagreement, or treating another partner in any demeaning manner.
  • Economic abuse – Most people don’t know that this particular abuse even exists because we still live in the world where women and men are not equal when it comes to finances. Therefore, men due to inability to control the other side, try to make partner entirely financially dependent by controlling financial resources and assets. Consequently, it happens that husbands withhold access to money, or forbid employment or even schooling due to various reasons.
  • Emotional abuse – The emotional abuse can cause significant psychological problems to a victim especially when people get married. Aggressor undermines the victim’s self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth. It can include constant criticism as well as name calling and diminishing one’s abilities and personality due to common mistakes.
  • Psychological abuse – In most cases, it features threatening and intimidation with the idea to commit physical harm to partner, self, children or other parts of the family. It leads to complete destruction where victim think that the aggressor will make a hassle if it doesn’t go his way.
  1. Sexual Violence
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Sexual violence is the typical type of behavior, similar as the one that we’ve mentioned above, where a person doesn’t give consent for sexual intercourse, and aggressor tries to do it on a hard way. The victim feels frightened, uncomfortable and intimidated in the form of sexual activities.

Sometimes physical assaults can happen in the case that the aggressor tries to touch another person sexually, without a person’s consent. However, it doesn’t feature limitation to sexual intercourse, such as rape, because it can be sodomy, incest, child molestation, attempted rape, and fondling.

The victim and aggressor are not in the relationship, because then the violence would be a domestic form of sexual abuse. Therefore, if you force a person, drug, threaten sexually, then you’re committing sexual abuse.

It includes:

When someone puts their tongue, fingers, penis, mouth or any other objects in your penis, vagina or anus without your consent, it is the worst form of sexual abuse that we also call rape.

  • If some touches, kisses, or fondle with your body without your permission.
  • If someone is physically forcing you to have sexual intercourse, to give or receive oral sex.
  • If someone forces you to masturbate them or to masturbate
  • If someone forces you to watch sexually explicit content or to pose for graphic pictures with general threats.
  • If health care professionals, doctors, and nurses give you additional internal examination or touching your sexual organs in unwarranted, unprofessional and inappropriate manner.
  • If your boss tries to use his/her’s status to have sexual intercourse with you, or even lousy mouthing or flirting that you’re not feeling comfortable with.
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To learn more on sexual violence and its history, we recommend you to click here.