The Three Strikes Law

The Three Strikes Law

Across the United States more and more efforts are being made to combat criminal activity. These efforts can take many forms, but some of the most common are in the form of three strikes laws. This form of heightened legal punishment has been present in the U.S. for over 30 years. It became a popular practice in the 1990s and has since become a standard for over 25 states.

What are Three Strikes Laws?

The three strikes law is one of many programs, stipulations, and legal mandates in place that serve as an effort to combat habitual offender crimes. Habitual offender is a title given to individuals convicted of the same type of crime on multiple separate occasions. These crimes can be similar in nature or severity. The three strikes laws work to penalize habitual offenders in the following ways:

Repeat offenders are likely to be penalized with longer prison sentences than those who have committed their first serious offense.

Under these laws when the same type of crime is committed three or more times the convicted will automatically serve a mandated period of incarceration.

The most common form of a three strikes law dictates that when an individual is charged with their third felony they will automatically receive a life sentence in prison, regardless of the nature of all three felonies.

As with any laws, it is important to realize that there are varying degrees within these laws across the country. For those who may be negatively impacted by a law against habitual offenders it is important that you seek assistance from an experienced attorney.

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For more Information

Having the support of someone who truly understands these complicated laws can help you tackle your legal case.