What Makes a Great Criminal Attorney?
If you have been arrested and charged with a criminal offense, you will need a criminal attorney. If you’re like most people, you want the best – the one that will keep you out of jail. However, how do you what makes a great criminal attorney? Below you’ll find some attributes that great lawyers have and why they are so important when practicing law.
#1 Education
A lawyer’s education is important for a number of reasons. Each law school is not the same. Some are more difficult than others are and a few are very prestigious. While this may not ensure a lawyer’s effectiveness, a great law education is highly recommended.
#2 Experience
An experienced criminal attorney is a must. However, not every lawyer has the same experience. Some have not been a part of many trials, as they may have only worked on specific types of cases. You want a lawyer that has trial experience if you plan to fight the charges. Anything less could cost you your freedom.
#3 Familiarity with the Local Court System
A lawyer that is familiar with the courts where you have been charged is also important. Each judge runs their courtroom differently and some will get rather upset if things aren’t done to their liking. When a lawyer is familiar with these nuances and quirks, it will make the entire process go more smoothly.
#4 Time Management Skills
If your lawyer has dozens of active cases, he or she may not be able to devote as much time to your case as you need. One of the problems with many lawyers today is that they have too many clients and not enough time. A lawyer that will actually turn away case because he doesn’t have the time or resources to provide excellent service is unfortunately one that you want!
#5 Adequate Resources
Believe it or not, there are a number of lawyers that run their business from the trunk of their car. They don’t have an office and will take any case that comes their way. Avoid these lawyers and choose one that provides the professional appearance that garners respect.
Sometimes, it can seem quite difficult to locate a criminal attorney that is available to take your case, is within your budget, and has the experience needed to get you a favorable outcome. However, the choice of a lawyer is not one that should be made without substantial research. Your freedom may be online the line!