When You’ve Fallen and Can’t Get Up: A Quick Guide to What Your Next Step Should Be

Did you slip and fall because of someone else’s negligence? This type of accident can have a variety of causes, from wet or icy surfaces to faulty furniture and poor lighting. No matter what the unseen danger may have been, consulting a slip and fall lawyer Baltimore MD maybe a necessary step during this potentially challenging period.

First Things First

Your first step should be to gather evidence. Gathering evidence usually consists of taking photos of your clothes, injuries, and the scene of the accident. You’ll also need to file an accident report and document the names and numbers of any witnesses, if possible. These things are essential because they will help prove liability.

After gathering evidence, the next step should be for you to immediately get medical treatment, even if you do not feel pain right away. It is crucial for you to take care of this quickly because the longer you wait to get checked out, the more leverage you allow the defendant and the insurance company to have over you.

After getting medical treatment, the next step is to take the defendant and insurance company to court. This step tends to get a bit complex, so enlisting the legal advice of a slip and fall lawyer in Baltimore may be helpful.

Think About Seeking Outside Help

It is the lawyer’s job to obtain and organize the necessary documents. Along with that, his or her job is to strategize how to win the case for the prospective client. The attorney is also aware of how the claims system works. Attorneys have inside information, not only about what will add value to their client’s case but also about what will diminish their chances as well.

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It is essential when slip and fall accidents occur that they are handled quickly, accurately and safely. In ideal circumstances, this involves the help of experienced legal counsel.