3 Things You Should Do After a Slip and Fall Injury

According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 1 million Americans are injured in slip and fall accidents every year. If your fall occurred due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Here are three things you should do after a slip and fall injury to improve your chances of recovery.

1. Contact an Attorney

An attorney who specializes in fall injuries Los Angeles CA, can help you navigate the process of collecting money for your damages. Your attorney can help you make sure you do not miss any filing deadlines, help you negotiate with insurance companies, represent you in court and guide you through the entire process. You do not have to have an attorney to file a claim or lawsuit, but without one, you may make mistakes that could cost you your case.

2. Seek Immediate Medical Attention

The longer you wait between the time your accident happened and seeking medical treatment, the more likely the defendant’s insurance company or attorneys will be to claim that your injures were caused by something else other than the fall or were not as severe as you allege. It is also difficult to claim damages without medical records and bills to back you up. Be sure to tell your doctor that you were injured in an accident and disclose all of your symptoms.

3. Report the Accident

It is important to have as much documentation about your accident as possible. Make sure you report your fall to the property owner, the manager of the business, a landlord or another person who is responsible for the property where your accident occurred. Ask for a written acknowledgment of your report.

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Slip and fall accidents can cause severe injuries that may lead to expensive medical bills and missed work. These three steps can help you recover damages from the party responsible for your injuries.