7 Traits You Want to See in Your Civil Lawsuit Attorney

Every year, tens of thousands of civil cases go to court. Are you getting ready to file a civil lawsuit? Have you had one filed against you?

Either way, it’s a good idea to have a civil lawsuit attorney on your side.

Not sure what this type of attorney does? Not sure how to make sure you’re hiring a good one?

Read on to learn more about civil lawsuit attorneys and the traits that you ought to look for when you’re considering hiring one to help you with your case.

What Does a Civil Lawsuit Attorney Do?

A civil lawsuit attorney is responsible for guiding you through the process of pursuing or navigating a non-criminal lawsuit. If you need to file a lawsuit or have had one filed against you for a non-criminal offense, this is the person you’re going to call.

Some examples of non-criminal, civil litigation issues include the following:

  • Discrimination charges
  • Alimony issues
  • Personal injury cases
  • Debt settlement

Any other case that isn’t filed by a government agency like the state or the police would likely fall into this category as well.

Traits of a Good Civil Lawsuit Attorney

When you’re looking to hire a civil lawsuit attorney, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Here are some traits you ought to be on the lookout for that indicate the one you’re considering hiring is a good one:

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1. Great Communication Skills

A good attorney needs to be a good communicator. They need to be able to explain the legal process to you and paint a clear picture of what you can expect from your case.

If you feel bogged down by all the legalese a particular attorney is using and have no idea what they’re saying, they might not be the right person for you.

Look for someone who can communicate in a way you understand without causing you to feel as though they’re talking down to you.

2. Persuasiveness

In order for you to get the best outcome from your case, you need to work with an attorney who is persuasive.

Every law possesses some level of persuasiveness, but some have a lot more to offer than others.

They’ll need to be able to persuade a judge to give you a fair deal. If you’re not sure they can do this, they might not be a good fit.

3. Good Negotiation Skills

Your attorney also needs to be able to negotiate on your behalf.

Sometimes, your case won’t end without any consequences for you. You may have to pay a fine or agree to another penalty for your actions.

A good attorney can negotiate to make these consequences as minimal as possible, though. They can help you avoid having to pay more money or do more than is fair.

4. An Ability to Learn

Look for an attorney who makes continuing education and lifelong learning top priorities. Avoid working with someone who acts as though they know everything and has nothing left to learn.

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That’s not a sign of a growth-minded person. It’s also not a sign that they’re going to be willing to do research and put in the work necessary to help you win your case.

5. Honesty

Your attorney should be honest with you, too. Stay away from attorneys who try and paint an overly positive, unrealistic picture of the outcome of your case.

Look for someone who will give it to you straight and let you know what kind of outcome you should expect. It’s better to work with a realist than to work with someone who has their head stuck in the clouds.

6. An Ability to Stay Organized

If you want to feel confident in your attorney’s abilities to represent you well, it’s best to make sure you’re working with someone who’s well-organized.

Try to find someone who obviously makes organization a priority and appears to have their schedule dialed in. They’re going to be more likely to show up on time and not keep you waiting when you have an appointment.

This, in turn, can help you have a more positive experience overall.

7. An Ability to Listen

Find an attorney who listens as well as (if not better than) they speak.

They ought to give you plenty of time to tell your story and express your concerns without rushing you or acting as though they’re not interested in what you have to say.

Remember, you’re going to be paying this person a lot of money for their services. You deserve their respect and full attention.

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Bonus Tips for Hiring a Good Attorney

These traits are some of the most important ones to look for when you’re trying to hire a good attorney to help with your civil lawsuit. There’s more you may want to think about when you’re considering a particular attorney for the job, though.

Here are some additional tips that can help you ensure you’re hiring the best person possible:

  • Ask about their educational background
  • Ask about their experience handling cases like yours
  • Consider their fee schedule
  • Find out who else (if anyone) will be helping with your case
  • Ask for references and find out what past clients have to say about them

Don’t forget to trust your gut, too.

Pay attention to how you feel when you’re with this lawyer and ask yourself if you can work with them for the next few weeks or months. If you don’t get along well with them, you may have a harder time getting the outcome you’re hoping for.

Hire Your Attorney Today

The process of hiring a civil lawsuit attorney (or any kind of attorney, for that matter) can be challenging.

If you keep this information in mind, though, you’ll likely have an easier time finding someone who has all the skills and qualifications necessary to help you win your case.

Do you want to learn more about hiring a good attorney? If so, visit the Law/Legal section of our site today.

You’ll find lots of helpful information there on hiring attorneys and the right way to handle various legal situations.