Advantages of Having a Storage Facility For Boats

Having storage for boats can save you time and money. Your boat can take up a lot of space in your garage or driveway. By storing it at a storage facility, you can use that space for other purposes. Furthermore, dry boat storage Lodi is better for your boat and will save you money on maintenance costs. So, why should you consider storing your boat at a storage facility?

Dry storage is easier on your boat in terms of maintenance.

If you’re worried about the cost of storing your boat outside, consider a dry storage option instead. The advantages of dry storage include less maintenance and liability. In addition, the effects of salt water can be washed away after each use, which means a shorter time between re-painting sessions. Another advantage of dry storage is its relative safety during hurricane season when wet storage can cause damage to buildings and can’t always be retrieved.

Consider dry stack storage if you’re worried about storing your boat in a marina. This type of storage allows you to store many boats in one area without worrying about a huge marina. In addition, you won’t have to worry about storing your dinghy on the dock since you can access it whenever you want. It’s also easier on the boat’s interior and exterior.

Secure storage is essential whether you decide to keep your boat indoors or in a dry stack facility. The indoor environment will keep the ice and sun off of your boat and allow air to circulate. It will prevent mildew and corrosion from forming inside the boat. Proper storage will also ensure your boat works as it should when you return to the water. 

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Cheaper than renting a dock

Renting a dock for your boat is cheaper than renting a slip at a marina. But you may have to sacrifice some amenities. For example, a marina may have a restaurant, laundry facilities, and free gas, but a dock owner will not. Moreover, a dock owner has no security or fire protection measures. Lastly, a boat dock does not offer amenities such as boat fuel or a ship’s store, which are important for a long trip.

Boats can be expensive, especially if you rent them or charter them. Docking your boat at a marina may require an additional fee, so renting a slip might be more affordable than buying a dockominium. However, this option locks in your money, a bad investment, especially if the economy is struggling. 

Docking fees can vary from year to year, depending on the location and length of your boat. Standard docks charge about $1,280 per year, while premium locations charge $5,200 a year. So the annual cost for a thirty-foot (9-m) boat will be around $250. However, a forty-foot (12-m) boat will cost about $220 per year. You will also need to account for the boat’s length, as longer boats require a larger dock than smaller ones.

Safer than storing your boat in your driveway

Whether your boat is a fishing craft or a cabin cruiser, storing it in your driveway is not the safest option. Salt from de-icing salt can harm the boat. In addition, sitting your boat outside in the cold and the elements is risky, as thieves may break into your boat. Instead of parking your boat on the street, you should park it in a storage unit. Boats can weigh anywhere from 400 pounds to over 14,000 pounds. Keeping your boat in a storage unit is safer than storing it on your driveway.

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Parking your boat on the driveway is easy and convenient, but it can pose security risks and deteriorate your boat’s hull. If you want to leave your boat in your driveway, it’s best to secure it with a tarp and keep the trailer tires full. In addition to security risks, some homeowner associations do not allow the parking of boats on their driveways. Furthermore, leaving your boat in your driveway can be vulnerable to rodents and other security risks.

Another option for storing your boat on the driveway is to install a Wi-Fi-connected motion detection camera. You can monitor activity and receive alerts via your smartphone. This way, you can monitor your boat from anywhere in the world! It is far safer than storing your boat on your driveway. It’s also better for the environment. Your boat can stay away from unwanted pests and get out and enjoy the water.